This unit contains TWO readings
1. The merchant of venice
2. King lear
Pre Reading:
The Merchant of Venice:
This ploy is about a stone-hearted and merciless Jew, Shylock who lived in Venice He was a money-lender and lent money to Christion merchants on high interest rotes Anthonio was a rich and noble Christion merchant who lent money to the needy without interest. There was on enmity between Shylock, the Jew and Anlhonio What pion Shylock mode to toke revenge upon Anlhonio and how was he humiliated? We shall read about it in the play
King Lear:
This ploy is about the old king of Britain, named King Lear. He decided to distribute his dominion among his three daughters. Goneril, Regan and Cordelia according to the degree of their love for him Cordelia was disinherited because she was innocent and did not know flattery, she could not use oily tongue to flatter her father. In the lost days of the king ii was Cordelia who took core of him
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